Discover the secret most business owners will never know about systems,

scalability and freedom.


HINT: It’s something simple.


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Go deep into the method I use when working with 1:1 clients to systemise their business – how I define their critical systems, what I start with, where I look to find a systems champion, who I work with from their team, how to get staff on board, and how I hire systems people… and how to do it all without the business owner in as little as 90 days.

It’s time to take your business from stationary to saleable.

This will give you laser-like focus, help avoid common mistakes and dramatically speed up the time it takes to achieve what I call Complete Business Reliability.

Hi, I’m David Jenyns.

I’m a best-selling author, founder of SYSTEMology and host of the podcast – Business Processes Simplified.

In 2020, I wrote a book on systems for small businesses, SYSTEMology. It immediately soared to #1 on Amazon for Business Production & Operations.

This book introduced a completely new way to systemise small businesses – defining critical systems, documenting without the business owner, identifying knowledgeable workers, hiring a systems champion, and optimising your systems to free up time, reduce errors and scale your profits.

Since then, SYSTEMology has been called “the first practical step to implement the concepts in the E-myth series” by the author of the E-Myth series himself, Michael E. Gerber.

“SYSTEMology is a must for any business owner and their leadership team. It provides a powerful, practical, and simple way for systemising your business.”

Gino Wickman
Author Traction

“SYSTEMology is extraordinary.”

Michael E. Gerber
Author E-Myth

“My unequivocal recommendation is that every entrepreneur and business owner must have this outstanding workbook and implement it!”

Kerry Boulton
Exit Strategy Group
The endorsements for SYSTEMology are great, but most importantly, I’ve helped hundreds of business owners to:

  • take back control of their business (and their lives)
  • grow their profits
  • increase their capacity to take on more clients
  • expand their ability to impact their industry
  • reduce key-person dependency
  • take guilt-free holidays while their business runs without them
  • and sell their businesses for a big payday.

Seeing the results of happy, successful business owners and their teams is one of the best parts of what I do.

SYSTEMology is rated 4.6/5 stars on Amazon from over 500 reviews

I’m proud that SYSTEMology has become a cornerstone of the fundamentals of systems for small businesses.

But guess what…

I hate to admit it, but there are still some people who, after purchasing the SYSTEMology book, still haven’t been able to systemise their business…

And you know what? It’s typically for a few simple reasons.


  • Get busy and don’t finish reading the book…
  • Fail to get the team onboard…
  • Mess up the first step and systemise the wrong things…

And when you dig into it further, the common mistakes can all be boiled down to one thing


The secret to systems, scalability and freedom is to keep it simple.

Knowing which systems to create first is the missing link and dramatically increases your odds of success.

Yes, I explain this in the SYSTEMology book however I still see people making mistakes… mistakes that undermine your efforts to systemise.

Maybe you’ve tried to systemise and failed? Maybe it seems like your business is too complex for systems to work and it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

The truth is, your business isn’t too complex…

…it’s because your approach to creating systems is too complex.

What you’ve missed is the foundational first step that drastically simplifies and speeds up the entire process.

You must first identify the critical few systems that drive the bulk of the results in your business. You must apply the 80/20 rule.

It may sound simple, but knowing which systems to create first is the missing link.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to gain these insights till after thousands of people had worked their way through the book.

It’s through this observation that I was able to solve this problem once and for all…

That’s what I want to share with you in this new training… what I wish I had known before writing the SYSTEMology book.


The Simple Systems Blueprint

The Simple Systems Blueprint is a 3-week course where we get hands-on with the most practical and powerful applications of business systems.

You’ll walk away with the complete blueprint detailing the exact systems your business needs to operate without you (usually between 15-20 systems).

I’ll show you how to go from being overwhelmed to being on vacation in the shortest time possible.

What I share in this program is the first step in the exact process I used to systemise myself out of 3 businesses and where we start with every single one of our 1:1 clients who gladly pay over US$15k for our “done for you” service.

If the SYSTEMology book is the 80/20, the Simple Systems Blueprint is the 80/20 of the 80/20.

It fully details the first steps you must take, strategically navigates through the common pitfalls, and guarantees successful systemisation in minimum time.

Here’s What You Get:

  • Step by step course: Three modules divided into short lessons, delivered over 3 weeks and taught by SYSTEMology director, David Jenyns (a total of 6 hours of training).
  • Recorded systems feedback: Rare opportunity to “look over the shoulder” as David gives practical feedback on real business systems so you can make the examples transferable to your business.
  • Practical workbook: PDF workbooks to complete the exercises in each module so you can implement and get results as you go.
  • Lifetime access: all the resources in the course will be available to you for life so you can refer back to them any time.
  • The System for Creating Systems: The simple method to create every system your business needs in as little as 1 hour per week.
  • Fly on the wall recordings: Watch the recordings of David Jenyns as he works to identify the critical systems for 10 clients in various industries including digital agencies, trades, accounting, architecture and more.

Plus These Bonuses:

  • BONUS 1 - Systems templates: As a bonus and so you get immediate value, when you sign up now you'll get instant access to 7 of my best system templates that you can copy and paste directly into your business.
  • BONUS 2 - 30-minute 1:1 CCF Review Call: After you've completed your first CCF, you can book in for a 1:1 CCF Review Call to make sure you're 100% confident with it and that you have everything you need to grow from there.

Here’s What Our Students Say

“I ended up with a clear and solid action plan for my next steps. The content was incredibly valuable for our future business.”
Alison McGregor
Chainsmith Bike Shop
“The 1:1 systems coaching call was the icing on the cake. Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re missing when it’s your own business.”
Renee Simpson
SavvyGal Systems
“David made sure everyone understands the content. I highly recommend anyone that has the chance to take advantage of joining this program.”
Chris Kaelin
United Construction Solutions
“I would definitely recommend any business owner or systems champion to take this course. It’s super useful to see what other businesses are doing and a reminder to keep things simple.”
Haley Santos
“Talking through the steps with Eric on the 1:1 coaching call helped me discover where I was stuck and where I needed to start with my own systems first.”
Dana Sacco
Systems & Automation Specialist
“It’s a valuable investment to help you systemise so you can confidently take a holiday knowing your staff can deliver a competent service.”
Deb Mulqueen
You-Group Victoria

Take A Look Inside

Here’s a sneak peek inside at the content, which

includes over 6 hours of step-by-step video training:


Your Critical Systems

Learn where most businesses go wrong and exactly how to define your critical systems.


Systems Documentation

Discover the keys to extracting systems without the business owner and exactly where to start.


Systems Culture

Overcome the hurdles with getting staff on board with systems and why you need a “clearway moment”.

The Mission

Where Are You Now?

True Cost

Be The Owner

Collection Of Systems

Critical Client Flow

CCF Pro Tips

Snakes & Ladders

CCF And Your Team

Professional Services

CCF Common Questions

CCF Live Review

Video For Your Team

What Is A System

Version 1 Systems

Where Do You Start

Sticking & Starting Points

Rules Of Extraction

Positive Constraints

Find Your Clearway

Find A Champion

Build A Plan

The Future

Build The Culture

SYSTEMology Stages

Fortune Teller


Systems Story

Plus: Case study interviews with businesses that have successfully systemised, so you can apply the lessons and fast-track your success.



“David is a systems thinker, a creator of the first order, an entrepreneur who has done what I write about, not once, but several times.

SYSTEMology walks business owners through the process they must not only understand, but do.

Ready To Get Your Systems Sorted?

If you’d like a bulletproof plan for the exact systems that will free you from the day-to-day operations and that you can apply straight away in your business, then join me for the Simple Systems Blueprint.

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Join Now



  • Step-by-step course
  • Practical workbook
  • 6+ hours video training
  • 30+ recorded examples
  • System templates
  • 1:1 CCF Review Call
  • Lifetime access
  • 30-day guarantee

*All prices in US dollars plus Australian GST where applicable.

Here’s Our Guarantee

I know I’m not some shark tank celebrity or business guru, but I know I will deliver value far over what you will have to invest in this program.

So let me remove the risk completely.

I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee – if you watch the course and complete all the exercises and you still don’t think it’s worth at least 5 times what you’ve paid, I’ll provide a full refund, no questions asked.

You can even keep the workbooks and systems templates as a gift from me.


Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Who is this best suited for?

For business owners that value their time and want a clear plan for the exact systems their business needs to operate without them.

Will this work for my industry?

Yes. Business systems are the building blocks of all businesses. We’ve applied this same process with hundreds of companies, from accountants to bookkeepers, to engineers, to trades, to immigration companies, to roofing companies, to solar companies, to doggy daycare businesses.

What if I have very little time?

I get it, business owners are crazy busy. I’ve been there and that’s exactly what I developed SYSTEMology to help with. The process is designed to involve as little time from the business owner as possible. That said, we strongly encourage the business owner to watch at least the first module. From there your team can continue the process using the step-by-step guidance and resources we provide, including the bonus 1:1 systems coaching call to make sure you’re 100% confident you have the resources you need to implement.

I still have questions, how can I get in touch?

If you’d like to speak to someone about this program or have any questions at all, please let my team know by emailing [email protected] with the subject “Simple Systems Blueprint” and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Let’s systemise your business once and for all.

David Jenyns
Director of SYSTEMology