David Jenyns
David Jenyns


  • Embracing systemization helped Jose step away from daily operations and focus on strategic growth.
  • Overcoming the fear of delegation was pivotal in scaling the business.
  • Implementing systems enabled Jose to take a stress-free vacation while business operations continued smoothly.


The Story

Jose and his wife arrived in Australia in 2015, initially on student visas. With a background in engineering, Jose soon realized his passion lay elsewhere. He ventured into the cleaning industry, starting as a sole trader before establishing All-Inclusive Care, a facility service provider in Sydney. From its inception, the company focused on delivering comprehensive cleaning solutions to strata buildings, commercial, and residential clients.

The Challenges

Despite the business’s growth, Jose found himself entrenched in the day-to-day operations, unable to step back and strategize for the future. The workload was overwhelming, and there was a constant fear of letting go of key responsibilities. It became evident that without a solid system in place, the business’s potential would remain untapped, and burnout was inevitable.

The Solution

The turning point came when Jose enrolled in a business coaching program, where he discovered SYSTEMology. This exposure to systemization principles was revolutionary. By documenting processes and training his team, Jose was able to delegate tasks effectively. Hiring a virtual assistant from Venezuela further streamlined operations, allowing Jose to remove himself from the day-to-day grind gradually. The systems put in place ensured that even when Jose was away, like during a Maldives vacation, the business continued to thrive without interruption.


All-Inclusive Care Staff
All-Inclusive Care Jose Carrera1

What’s Next?

Jose’s journey highlights the transformative power of systemization. By embracing change and consulting with experts, he not only overcame business stagnation but also set the stage for continued growth and personal freedom. If you’re a business owner feeling stuck or overwhelmed, consider diving into the world of systems with SYSTEMology. Whether it’s through our book or consulting services, we can help you unlock your business’s true potential, just like Jose did. Start working on your business, not just in it, and watch as new opportunities unfold.​


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