Having The Right Systems In Place Means…

More time for what you want to do, whether that’s being with your family or starting new ventures, projects, and opportunities.

Increased confidence in knowing your business will thrive, even if you or key team members are suddenly unavailable.

The ability to scale, tackle bigger goals, and increase capacity without overwhelming you or your team.
Unfortunately, Most Business Owners Struggle To Get To This Point For A Few Reasons…

- Don’t have a clear roadmap — which leads them to feel stuck in their own heads, overcomplicate the process, and build systems that don’t get results.
- Can’t get their team on board — and if you can’t overcome this hurdle, nothing you do will matter, as your team needs to be the ones to implement your systems.
- Struggle to implement all the way — even if they’ve put together some systems, or they’ve found a framework, it’s one thing to know what to do, and another to actually do it successfully.
Our Group Business Systems Coaching Program Addresses Each Of Those Issues & Takes The Confusion Out Of Systemization.

How Am I So Sure? I Used To Struggle With All Those Things Myself!
Hi, David Jenyns, and I used to be exactly like you.
Spending more time working “in” my own business, and not “on” it. Stuck in the day-to-day.
And almost becoming this close to being the “too-busy” dad who missed his kids’ childhood because he was working 60+ hours a week.
Eventually, after years of trial and error, I discovered a better way to systemize myself out of my business…
One that was simple, repeatable, and best of all, worked for any business, regardless of industry or growth stage.
One that included how to…

- Build your most critical systems, document them, and effectively clone yourself so the business can run itself and keep the same quality standards.
- Integrate a systems-driven culture, so your team not only implements what you put together, but builds systems to action your ideas without your oversight.
- Optimize & scale your business, while creating the ultimate productivity and time leverage finally giving you the freedom to execute on new ideas.
These are the same processes that have allowed businesses like London Agency to perfectly position themselves for fast growth…

“The program has improved our business and our working lives. The team has accepted that this is how we do things here; we know this is the best way for us. And we’re now in a perfect place to grow. By having a systems culture, we will be able to meet that challenge and be able to deliver repeatable results.”
John Emmerson
Founder London Agency
My “system for systems” allowed me to exit my first business, start & scale a second…
And even delegate the delivery of this very program (that I’ll walk you through in just a second) to a certified expert on my team with minimal involvement from me.
As I’ve made it easy for anyone on my team to deliver my expertise (and the results that come from it) at the standards we’re known and loved for.
Endorsed by the man who coined, “working ON your business, not in it.”

I invented “working ON your business, instead of IN it” almost 43 years ago with my very first E-Myth Book. And here I am telling you that David Jenyns has not only DONE it, but he can help teach you exactly how to do it, too!
Author of the E-Myth
In fact, SYSTEMology is both copy/paste-able & customizable to your needs…

Which is exactly what makes it so effective.
Yes, there are 7 key steps everyone has to go through.
But there’s enough flexibility to tailor SYSTEMology to your business, regardless of industry, market, or the types of products or services you offer.
When you combine this with hands-on coaching and facilitation, you get unparalleled results.

Sometimes just having the system isn’t enough.
You’ll need feedback and guidance tailored to your unique circumstances, along with a supportive community to ensure you’re doing it right.
So if you’re ready to stop being the bottleneck & set yourself up for seamless scale — join SYSTEMology Catalyst!

Our 6-month group coaching program with the training, support and accountability you need to successfully implement SYSTEMology and get buy-in on systems-thinking from your team.
Plus, we’ll also coach and train a dedicated member of your team, your Systems Champion, who will oversee all the development and implementation of systems in your business on your behalf.

“It’s saved my sanity and maybe my marriage and family too!”
Gary McMahon
Ecosystem Solutions
You won’t even be doing most of the hands-on implementation…
Your Systems Champion will.
This is a dedicated member of your team (of your choosing) who will oversee all the documentation and development of your systems, and make sure the rest of your team follows through.
They will be the driver behind your systems culture, and they don’t have to be an expert immediately – you get to bring them into the program with you for the same level of training, support, and accountability to get things done right.

Catalyst is a perfect fit for you if you are…
- Clear on your products or services, getting traction, and growing fast, but need the space to scale without the overwhelm
- Tired of trying to do it alone and ending up with half-baked systems your team won’t even use
- Ready to finally lay the foundations in your business so it can run itself, while receiving the accountability and support to make it happen…
Speaking of accountability & support…
You’ll be guided by a certified SYSTEMologist

Your facilitator will be someone who’s been personally vetted, mentored, and certified by me in implementing the SYSTEMology® framework.
Someone who’s run their own business (or two), thinks the exact same way I do, and has driven powerful results for people like you.
Results like increased capacity…

“I can now see a clear path to scale up as building systems will allow me to confidently delegate to a team and create much more capacity to take on more clients.”
Brett Johnson
Johnson Accounting

The ability to delegate with confidence…
“We now have a system for creating systems. So everybody’s responsible for creating systems.”
Belinda Noakes
The Leadership Sphere

& of course, more time and efficiency…

“Now, every time there’s an issue to troubleshoot, all my team members have to do is read it, go through it and make the necessary changes. It was no big thing.
There wasn’t a 40-minute discussion about it either. We saved all this time, they’ve just been educated, and all they had to do was go and implement the system.”
Matthew Bullock
Wardrobe Design Centre
Here’s what you’ll receive once you’re accepted into the program:
12 x 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls
(Valued at $5795)
Every 2 weeks (for a period of 6 months), your facilitator will walk you (and the rest of the cohort) step-by-step through implementing each module of the Team Accelerator.
On these live, Zoom-hosted sessions, you’ll receive:
- Answers to your questions
- Receive direct feedback on your systems so you’re confident enough to deploy them
- And accountability to make sure you’re on the right track as you implement the SYSTEMology process

SYSTEMology Team Accelerator
(Valued at $1795)
This self-paced, 9-module video course goes deep into the SYSTEMology process.
It’s designed to show you AND your team, step-by-step, how to implement SYSTEMology, with techniques and insights you won’t find anywhere else.
Just a few of the things you’ll find:
- My exact step-by-step process to developing your Critical Client Flow (the critical systems you need to deliver your product or service without you needing to "hand-hold" in the process)
- Why it’s important to start with your target audience and “vanilla product” when it comes to building out your Critical Client Flow, and avoid dangerous mistakes
- In-depth, real world examples of ways you can “install” systems into your business
- A key shift in perspective that will get resistant team members to not only start implementing systems, but actually enjoy integrating them into the way they work
- And so much more (it’s 10+ hours of actionable training and worksheets, all at your own pace!)

Private Community of Systems Enthusiasts
(Valued at $995)
On top of the guidance you get on your live group sessions, you also get access to our private community platform, where you can enjoy:
- Unlimited Q&A support from your coach and facilitator to get clarity anytime you need it
- Feedback and discussion with people ranging from pro systems thinkers to those just starting out – pick their brains, get useful tips, and build partnerships
- Exclusive resources and trainings to help you stay current on what’s working now, and get your business running independently from you

What other business owners say:
We’ve Also Included These Powerful Bonuses to Boost Your Results Even Further:
Bonus #1
12 months of systemHUB access
(Valued at $995)
Instead of having your business systems, SOPs and processes scattered all over the place – our proprietary software (the only software designed to work with SYSTEMology®) organizes everything in one central home.
- Gain full control over who’s seeing what, so your SOPs stay safe and the right team members get exactly what they need to complete tasks and troubleshoot
- Upload email templates, videos and other files directly to the platform, so you can keep everything in one spot
- Save hours of time (for you and your team) looking for the right systems with Smart Search

Bonus #2
Simple Systems Blueprint
(Value at $695)
The Simple Systems Blueprint is a crash course that shows you step-by-step how to continuously develop the right systems in your business, and includes:
- Three modules divided into short lessons, covering everything from your most critical systems to building a systems culture
- Recorded feedback on real business systems, so you can feel confident knowing you’re on the right track
- An over-the-shoulder look as I identify critical systems for multiple clients across various industries, allowing you to apply their systems to your business, skipping the trial and error, and saving hours of your time

Bonus #3
90+ Systems Templates
(Valued at $900)
Access our vault of ready-to-use systems templates to help you build stronger teams, organize finances, and put marketing & sales on autopilot, from experts like:
- John Warrillow
- Michael E. Gerber
- John Jantsch
- Brad Sugars
- And many more – get best practice SOPs, systems and policies from some of the world’s top business leaders.
With these templates, you’ll have the confidence and security in starting with what’s proven to work (with the training you need to customize to your needs).

So, what’s the investment?
Remember, you’re getting everything below:
- SYSTEMology Team Accelerator Training (Valued at $1795)
- 6 months of bi-weekly group coaching calls for business owner and a key employee (Valued at $5795)
- Private community access & Q&A support (value $995)
- BONUS: 12-months access to systemHUB systems management software (valued at $995)
- BONUS: Simple Systems Blueprint Course (valued at $695)
- BONUS: 90+ plug-and-play business system templates from industry experts (value $900)
Total value of $11,175
… and yes, we sell these offers individually every day for the prices shown here. But your investment won’t be anywhere close.
Your Total Investment:
$5790 USD (Paid In Full)
6 Monthly Payments Of $1060 USD
For exisiting Business Systems Accelerator (BSA) members, having an active BSA plan is a requirement to attend the Catalyst program. The live facilitated calls review the training covered in the BSA.
The price listed above is for those newly subscribing to the BSA membership. If you already have an exisiting active BSA membership, your investment is: $3995 USD (Paid In Fulll) or 6 Monthly Payments of $745 USD.
All prices are billed in USD and Australian GST is added where applicable.

For as little as $16 a day*, you could turn your business into a self-running, money-making machine.
Isn’t that the dream? To own a business built around your life, not the other way around. Most people don’t lay the foundations of systems in their businesses — leaving them stuck with a machine that depends on them to survive. But not you.
You know the importance of systems, now it’s time to integrate them into your business.
By the end of these 6 months, you’ll have…

Trained up your systems champion to handle your systems and integrate them with your team (effectively making systems an in-house capability).

Built your most critical systems to ensure efficient product and/or service delivery, without your constant review, at the standards you’re known for.

Created the foundation for scaling up your business — which means reduced chaos, key person independence, and the capacity to generate more revenue.
Get the clarity, accountability & support to make it happen, just like those before you:

“I’ve got our systems champion, Chelsea, figuring out the areas that need systemizing, contacting the knowledgeable workers, and pushing for that to happen. The more we build internal processes, the easier it will be just to say, ‘Have you looked in there? And if there’s not [that particular procedure in place yet], then get back to me.’
If you want to systemize, the system used by SYSTEMology and the Catalyst program is awesome. It gives you some runs on the board and gets you some experience of doing it so that you can hit the ground running.”
Simon Goodwin
Agile Logistics
“Snagged the most incredible Systems Champion”
Vocal Manoeuvres
What would extra time and freedom do for you?
You’d be able to…
- Book that flight away, or take that leave of absence you’ve had on your mind, knowing your business will be just fine when you get back
- Put in energy into dreaming up new projects, ventures, and opportunities that get you raring to go
- Create the space to allow your business to run, grow, and build new systems without everything needing to “go through” you
And whatever else you decide you want to do — after all, you’re the boss, and it should feel that way.

Plus, we’ve made it incredibly easy for you to dive in and take action…
You don’t have to do everything at once.
We’ve laid out a step-by-step roadmap for you to follow over the course of 6 months.
And we’ll be right there pushing you along and holding you accountable.
As long as you promise to trust in and follow the process, and implement bit by bit, we promise to keep you on the right track.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re considering SYSTEMology Catalyst but you’re not quite sure, the best way to find out is to book in a quick call with our team and we’ll be happy to help. Here are some of the most common questions we get asked: