David Jenyns
David Jenyns


  • Staff empowered to work more efficiently & independently
  • Eliminated key-person dependency through systems
  • Improved confidence in handling larger workloads


TECHealth’s Story

TECHealth is a specialized emergency services staffing business that provides medical staffing to emergency departments, specifically physicians and advanced care providers. Co-founded by Eric Wilke, TECHealth supports hospitals by managing the staffing side of their emergency departments. After experiencing severe challenges in their previous business, Eric and his team were determined not to repeat past mistakes, leading them to adopt a systems-driven approach from the ground up.

The Challenges

In their first venture, Eric and his team faced significant difficulties due to a lack of systems, which caused bottlenecks and inefficiencies. The business relied heavily on key individuals, leading to stress and burnout. Eric realized the need for robust systems when they found themselves unable to handle expanding workloads without increasing problems and stress.

“We didn’t have any systems in place, and more business just meant more headaches and trouble,” Eric explains. This realization was a turning point as they set out to rebuild their business with a focus on systematic processes and scalability.

The Solution

Eric’s introduction to SYSTEMology became a game-changer. While initially trying to document processes on a wiki, they found it insufficient for their needs. SYSTEMology provided a comprehensive framework that resonated with them. They appointed a Systems Champion to lead the documentation and implementation of processes and support the team.

The process documentation in healthcare was crucial for onboarding and maintaining consistency. “We couldn’t waste huge amounts of time doing at-the-elbow training,” Eric notes. By prioritizing the most critical areas like payroll and practice management, TECHealth was able to see significant improvements in efficiency. Payroll processing, for instance, was reduced from three days to just four hours.

Eric Wilke and Jeff Erdner
TEChealth Community event

What’s Next?

TECHealth is now poised for growth, confidently adding multiple new contracts without stress. SYSTEMology has helped them build a strong foundation, allowing staff to work more independently and efficiently while reducing key person dependencies.

Are you creating key person risk in your business? With the right systems and processes, your team can quickly upskill new and existing staff and still deliver at an exceptional standard. To find out how SYSTEMology can work for you – click here to grab your copy today.


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