David Jenyns
David Jenyns


  • Staff gained efficiency and ability to work autonomously
  • Luke managed to extract himself from day-to-day operations
  • Business expansion into new ventures without his involvement


Davies Construction’s Story

Davies Construction, led by Luke Davies, is an award-winning builder based in Tasmania, Australia. Specializing in high-end architectural homes, Davies Construction handles both design and construction, ensuring premium quality throughout their projects. Luke’s journey began with a carpentry apprenticeship at a young age, and evolved into the foundation of Davies Construction by the age of 24. Over the years, Luke’s dedication to quality and innovation has positioned Davies Construction as a leader in their niche.

The Challenges

Transitioning from a skilled carpenter to a business owner was a daunting task for Luke. While his expertise on the tools was unquestionable, running a business posed different challenges. Initially, the business thrived, but soon Luke faced cash flow issues, even having to sell his house to stay afloat. Like many trade-based businesses, the technical skills were there, but managing the business aspect was overwhelming.

Luke sought out a business coach specializing in builders who highlighted the importance of business systems. This revelation was a turning point. Luke’s realization that the lack of systems was impeding his business growth set him on a quest for a solution.

The Solution

Luke discovered SYSTEMology and immediately recognized its potential for his construction business management. The SYSTEMology methodology resonated with him and he immediately began implementing it with the help of his team. The process involved mapping out every single system and assigning each team member specific responsibilities.

One significant transformation was Luke’s ability to set up another business without being directly involved, thanks to replicating the established systems from Davies Construction. Luke’s newfound focus on business systems for home builders streamlined operations and set the stage for substantial growth.

Davies Construction team
Luke Davies profile

What’s Next?

Davies Construction has witnessed remarkable improvements in efficiency and productivity. SYSTEMology has provided a solid foundation for scaling and navigating the complexities of the construction industry. With robust systems in place, Luke has successfully let go of the day-to-day operations and explored new business ventures.

Are you struggling with construction business management? With the right systems and processes, you can enhance efficiency, train staff effectively, and achieve sustained growth. To learn how SYSTEMology can transform your business – click here to start reading.


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