Why You Need a Systems Champion

Why You Need a Systems Champion

Have you tried systemising in the past and failed? It’s not uncommon for a business owner to discover business systems and make a start on systemizing, only to lose momentum a few weeks later and give up. Why does that happen? What causes business owners to suddenly...
How To Systemise A Coaching / Consulting Business

How To Systemise A Coaching / Consulting Business

Do systems limit creativity? Den Lennie doesn’t think so. And he should know, because Den is a coach to filmmakers and specialises in systemising videography businesses. He started by applying SYSTEMology to his own business and recording systems. Then he hired a VA,...
MYTH 2: Business Owners Should Create Systems

MYTH 2: Business Owners Should Create Systems

Many business owners believe that for something to be done ‘right’ they must do it themselves. The truth is, if you’re the only person who can do a task, there’s something wrong with the way your business is built, and you have fallen into a trap. You must keep...
Understanding the Critical Client Flow (CCF) from SYSTEMology

Understanding the Critical Client Flow (CCF) from SYSTEMology

Can you explain what your business does on one page? The first step in systemisation is deciding which systems to create first. And to do that, you need to see an overview of your business’s core functions without any extra detail.  The trick is capturing the...
How Much Detail Do You Need?

How Much Detail Do You Need?

How much detail should you be putting into your business systems? There are times when you’ll need more detailed systems and other times when you won’t need much detail at all. And there are a lot of things to consider when you think about how detailed...
Why Most Owners Fail to Systemise Their Business

Why Most Owners Fail to Systemise Their Business

Have you tried systemising your business in the past and failed? You’re not alone. When it comes to systemising, many businesses have tried and failed. Why? Because trying to systemise without the right tools is like trying to put together a puzzle without all...